Hello and welcome to my blog!
If you got to this point you have probably visited my website looking for a translator and you already know that I am a Sardinian living in Scotland, that I love languages, that I offer different language services and that getting in touch with me is easy! But there’s more to my website than just a list of services, testimonials, contact info, etc.
There’s also my blog, and you might be wondering what will a blog on a translator’s website focus on. I’ve wondered that too when I decided I wanted a website “with a twist”, and I decided that I will write about all sort of things where language matters, where language is the bridge to overcome an obstacle.
I will write about translation (of course, or ‘duh!’ as my daughters would say!) and how I came to love this profession, about books, about bureaucracy (and how I can help with it), about software, theatre, news, cinema, music and many more things!
Some posts will be more technical or deal with issues related to the world-wide translators’ community, some will be more personal (watch this space for “Things you should never say or ask a translator”), some others will be about the challenges of a freelancer’s life, some will provide tips on how to find the right translator for your work or your company.
These are all things I think could be interesting but if there is something you would like me to discuss from a translator’s point of view just leave a comment below. A presto!